Monday, March 27, 2006

The Bane of my Existence

We all have different kinds of people that irritate us, some people severely dislike smokers, others people who stutter, and still other hate blondes. As for my self Id have to say none of the above (thought I do admit blonde chicks do tend to piss me off some times, but I don't loath them as a whole) what really pisses me off, to no end, is dumb people. So not as to suggest that I hate those who are lacking in academic skills I shall clarify. What really gets to me most of all is people with no common knowledge. To me that is the biggest crime.
Look I realize that some people (mainly those who have lived under large rocks their entire lives) might not have had access to TVs, Computers, Newspapers or knowledgeable parents during their upbringing (Catch the sarcasm there?) But for Christ’s sake there are just some things that every decent human being should know. Things like West Nile, Islam, Tadpoles and who Steven Spielberg is! If you think Vietnam is a kind of soup and that Michaelle Jean was on Loft Story, you are one of the people I am talking about and should be shot.
No but seriously, these people should be taken from society and re educated. Ok maybe I’m being a little extreme, but I seriously think high schools should teach common knowledge courses. Kids should know useful things, like presidents and capitals of foreign country, not who has the best chance at winning prom queen (which is another things that piss me off, honey, the real world doesn’t give a shit if you were prom queen. That’s not the kind of thing that’s gonna get you a job, unless you plan on showing your interviewer what a prom queen can do on her back...).
Now I don’t say this while assuming that I am all knowing, far from it, but I know enough to know that there are people out there much stupider than I, and that I can use words that take more than 3 syllables and I know what the word propaganda means, and YES! I can use it in a sentence (you laugh but I’ve seriously had to explain that last one to several people).

"If I had no morals, you and I would be PERFECT for each other!"

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