Friday, December 31, 2010

Sad news coming out today. Geraldine Doyle, the inspiration for Rosie the Riveter has died. Poster child for the war time American Women movement, encouraging women to leave the home and begin working in factories, she was just 17 years old when artist J Howard Miller took her photograph wearing a red polka dot bandanna and leaning over a machine. The "We can do it" motto and poster have since become a iconic image for women's workers rights and feminism in general.

Full article @ IMdB

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mildred Pierce Trailer drops!

Not quite what I expected but I'm still looking forward to seeing this. The orignial is AMAZING!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mistletoe and Mind Control

The lovely folks over @ io9 posted this juicy tibit!

All this makes me think of is fringe and that David Cronenberg episode of Alias where he doses everybody and eats fakeon.

I can't decide what the best part is, the retro credits, the retro ads, or the subject matter itself.

This is required holiday viewing my friends! Hit the comments below.

Check it out ad hit the comments below!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Um, yes please!

This is interesting! While I can't attest to the credibility of this information, this news is very exciting. I'm sure they aren't gonna do Tudyk AND Fillion, just Tudyk would be amazing! He was amazing in both Firefly as well as in Dollhouse, two roles which are extremely different, but equally as complex and satisfying so I feel that he could definitely embody the role of super hero very well. And with an established director like Wright helming this I feel like this is in good hands. All that's left to do is brush up on my Ant Man universe. Looking froward to the upcoming developments of this projects.
Double bonus for him having a cameo in Avengers!


Seriously good haul this year

Thursday, December 23, 2010

All you need to know for the Holidays

How to survive the holidays and the Zombie Apocalypse. Luckily I wont be spening my holidays with the in-laws so I probably wont need this

From Team Unicorn

Friday, December 17, 2010

Upcoming theatrical releases

New movies on the event horizon that interest me


Every since I watched Spaced this man can do no wrong. Seriously, look it up, british TV show, 2 season f GOLD! Then with Shaun of the Dead and Star Trek (ya I liked it, make fun all you want) the guy is really just a genius. Paul looks like it will be equally as funny, and with a great supporting cast, I'm definitely not going to miss this one.


So the early reviews suck. I'm still totally gonna g see it. I can't help it, i'm a sucker for these kinds of spectacles... and Garrett Hedlund

Original Trailer

Take Me Home Tonight.

Can't resist a coming of age Comedy with Anna Farris and an Eddie Money song as the title. Also for some reason I can really relate to working a crap job while waiting for life to happen. + Chris Pratt and Micheal Bien are in this!

Sucker Punch

Stunning visuals, kick ass femmes )including Jenna Malone, and one of the Carradines. I'm there!


And it's all the more epic when SLJ narrates it. *SIGH* Can't wait till they start filming and put out a real trailer. Can't believe Montreal lost out on having this filmed here.


I love that they cast a relatively unknown guy for this. This whole emerging Marvel-verse is very exciting. Sure it's not what all of the die hards are looking for, but for the non die hard coming book readers such as myself, this film is very appealing. And with Nathalie Portman involved it's gonna be good! Lets be honest, she's one of the greatest actresses of our generation.
Along with Captain America (love the flash back) this and avengers are what I cam most looking forward too Marvel-wise.

Black Swan.

Speaking of Nathalie Portman... This movie looks like a total mind fuck and I can't wait. Also Vincent Cassel is a god among men. nuff said.

Red Riding Hood.

I find that Hardwick really does have a fantastic vision. I like that she's taken this and given it that goth, sexy, magical spin.


Might not head to the theater of this one but I can't resist and SC film with Stephen Dorff in it

Country Strong.

What can I say, I've got a soft spot of country music. Also Garrett Hedlund

Thats it so far. question, comments, suggestions?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Would you look at that! The first episode is on youtube! As annoying as it is to find something on youtube due to all the crap, it realy does have everything!

20 TV Sci-Fi Gamechangers

20 TV Sci-Fi Gamechangers

great list over @ SFX about big ga.e changers in show, personal favorite like BTVS, Fringe, X-Files and Start Trek Next Gen are in there. Good mix of game changers for better and for worse.

I keep seeing references to Blakes 7... I really need to get on that!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas came early kids!

In the form of this High Def salty goodness

Can't embed

Thats right boys and girls, IT'S THOR!
Along with Captain American this is, the supe movie I am most looking forward too. Hot good guys, evil lookin' villians and Natalie Portman (who really can do no wrong) should be a good one.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas time!

To make the gift giving season easier for my friends and family. Complete with reference links and helpful photos.





5. and



8. Any movie store, hmv, best buy, etc etc. Usually 15$ each





15. Not sure if this is the cheapest or best place to get these...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Lawless Internet takes another hit

A Swedish appellate court late today (Friday) upheld the convictions of three operators of the Pirate Bay website, Frederik Neij, Peter Sunde and Carl Lundström for what was called “contributory copyright infringement” and sentenced them to prison and ordered them to pay damages of more than $6.5 million. In its ruling, the court said, “The Pirate Bay has facilitated illegal file-sharing in a way that results in criminal liability for those who run the service.
For the three defendants the court of appeal believes it is proven that they participated in these activities in different ways and to varying degrees.” The court reserved the harshest sentence for co-founder Neij, who was ordered to spend 10 months in jail. Sunde, the Pirate Bay’s spokesman, who resigned in 2009 after the lower court’s verdict, was sentenced to eight months in prison. Receiving the lightest prison sentence — four months — was Carl Lundström, a wealthy businessman who financed the ISP that hosted The Pirate Bay. Although all three were ordered to pay total damages of $6.5 million, only Lundström, it would seem, has the means to pay any of it — and will probably wind up paying all of it. Following the verdict, the Motion Picture Association (MPA), which represents the major studios overseas, issued a statement saying that it welcomed it and added, “This confirms that such activities are illegal and if you engage in them, you run the risk of very significant consequences.”

Being poor and illegal on the internet is getting harder and harder. I really hope they are putting as much effort in squashing kiddy porn as the are making sure I don't download episodes of Fringe.

Full article under the cut!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Music Minute

I die for Patti Smith.
You know whats coming, and yet you still can't wait to hear her sing it. The woman's a genius.
Bow down you mere mortals to the melodious sounds of P.Smith.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Two weeks is a long time

This is why Fringe is the only show I am actually watching right now. While other shows have become repetitive or simply lost my interest, Fringe continues to be the best show on television. Twice the character development as other shows, all the action, infinite continuity and half the calories! Also it somehow manages to be both funny, touching, and sexy. The bad guys are complex, watchable and exciting, I mean, how much do you love to hate Walternate? And no matter how bad Fauxlivia is, you really wanna like her... at least I do. It's also nice to now have villains we know. And not only do we know them, they are the alt version of the main characters. I can only imagine how interesting it must be for these actors to be playing two sides of these character. The alt teams also allows to have Charlie back (who I missed), and see Olivia in a new team dynamic.

All in all Fringe is the best show on television you are probably not watching. It's the best of Alias and The X-Files all rolled into one.

Anyone else watch Fringe!?! Hit up the comments!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Maybe I'll start watching again

Supernatural "Clap Your Hands If You Believe" opening credits, X-Files style.

Supernatural has unfortunately been one of the shows that I have neglected this past television season. Maybe I'll start up again.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

*Heavy Breathing*


Is it just me or does this not look that good?
I'm just sayin'!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TV Goodness

Close Encounters of the Murderous Kind

Best episode of Castle since "Undercover Lover" X-Files themes, and references and a giant Firefly reference! Sigh, I love Nathan Fillion

All of this really makes me wanna go out and buy the complete series of the X-Files and watch it all again.

Monday, November 15, 2010

And now for something completely different...


Hectic Week

Last night officially wrapped up one of the more nutso weeks in my recent history. Work + Volunteering @ the Cinemania Film festival and trying to have a social life (Mumford and Sons concert + Friends + being interviewed for the Concordian) had left me tired and with and extremely sore back (which is actually getting me worried because it wont go away) so today is a chill day

Cinemania Montreal

Cinemania was awesome! Alot of early mornings (followed by late nights at the resto and then more early mornings) were kind of a killer, but they allowed me to really connect with the event organizers who were all super awesome ladies. I also allowed me to see a bunch of free films ( La Reine des Pommes (2/5), Bazar (3/5) Tout ce qui Brille (3/5) Sommeil Blanc (2/5), L'Enfance du Mal (3/5), Dumas (3/5), Illegal (4/5) and Potiche (4/5)) all in french with English subtitles. Having never volunteered at a film festival before I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed my experience. I'm told not all festivals are as well presented and I totally believe it. i am therefore excited to volunteer again and total wary of it at the same time.

Next on the docket was the Mumford concert. As usual they were amazingly breath taking.
Super big props as well to their opening acts this time around, King Charles and Cadillac Sky.

Caddilac was alot of fun but I cant seem to find them online, and King Charles was actually kind of amazing

He played the entire set by himself with just a guitar, except for the opening song which he did accapella and it actually stopped my heart and made me do a double take while in line for coat check.

But unfortunate by the time Mumford came on the same problem arose as last time: the crowd SUCKED! I don't know what is wrong with people these days but they lack any kind of concert etiquette. Drunks yelling, girls squealing, people interrupting the band. it was so frakin' annoying.

Also the show lasted 3 and a half hours! Which was awesome yet very exhausting.

So good week, glad it's over, back to applying for jobs.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

David Duchovny Says X-Files 3 is Being Written

French website TVMag caught up with David Duchovny and asked him for an update on the third "X-Files" movie, which the actor previously said would focus on December 2012, an important date in the franchise.

"It is being written," said the actor, adding: "We're waiting for the green light from 20th Century Fox, which is a little disappointed by the relatively poor reception of the second film. The mistake, in my opinion, is that the writers strayed too far from the roots of the series. Plus the film was released in the summer. The third movie will be much closer to what the fans are used to, which is government conspiracies, etc..."

Both Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have expressed interest in returning for the third film, which is likely aiming to hit theaters at the end of 2012 to match up with the rumored "end of the world" storyline.

Full article from

This would make my lifetime!

I also agree with David Duchovany comment on the second film. It deviated a bit too much from the tone and themes of the series. I don't even think the story line was evengood enough to warrant Scully and Mulder even being implicated, why would they both come out of retirement because some women went missing (not that thats not a big deal it's just not really their thing) after all htey've been to and all they walked away from I just don't see the case presented in IWTB as being credible. I'm sure the release of Dark Knight also had something to do with it but it is a good point. Fight the Future, was a much better and successful film, released at the height of the shows success, it introduced new mysteries and solved old one, it was much more in tune with the original series. I'd also like to see Doggett and Reyes in the new film... scratch that... just Doggett. I was shocked that they weren't even mentioned in "I Want to Believe" (unless I'm not remembering it correctly), even though I hated Reyes, I loved Doggett and I feel like the storyline felt a little empty with no metion of the actual X-Files.

My suggestion for the new film is, bring back Doggett, make Duchovny shape up (seriously he look tied and fat in IWTB), bring back the X-Files, and solve some of those pesky loose ends that were left at the end of the series. Also BRING BACK KRYCEK! Best Villian EVER!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Just in time for fall


Speaking of forgotten photo posts, I took these photos last mother while LF and I made "Ketchup aux Fruits", basically it's fruit ketchup, but French Canadien (and by basically I mean exactly but I just say it in french cause it's my Grand Mammans famous recipe) and it's awesome! It took us a whole afternoon, like 40 tomatoes, a whole head of celery, 30 some apples etc. etc. etc. Needless to say by the end my hands were cramped, and stung from all the acidity but it was totally worth it!

Overdue Photopost

Took these puppys in August and just plum forgot to post them. I was location scouting for Project Cross Match and I had to stop for gas. I've always loved the water tower, and the "Bar Ormstown/Bar Harem/Club O-Town" is the local dive/strip club, that everyone is scared to go into for far of the HIV and saggy strippers. It's basically used to launder money... or so everyone assumes. As far as I know it doesn't do any actual business. The barn is my uncles, and is very old and sorta falling apart.
As much as I some times try to stay away I do find inspiration in my home town. Now all I need to do is buy myself and actual camera s that I wont have to steal my moms all the time.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Vampire Sluts

I find this rather hilarious and on the nose! I read Dracula last semester for my Vampires and Popular Culture Class and we discussed this at length. Vampirism and it's evolving metaphors.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

This just made my life

No words

The Litmus Test

So here it is, I was on the fence about Torchwood USA. With the UK version in limbo (seriously where are they gonna go?) and stateside versions usually sucking (ie the new skins trailer and the new being human cast) Torchwood USA didn't really seem like it would be any good. That is until this little tibit of casting news hit the inter net and VOILA! Colour me interested!

So here's the sitch, they pick Gjokaj i'm in for the party, he's got torchwood written all over him and has some serious talent. They pick CMM and they obviously have no tastes and are going for the easy hottie to attract viewer, and that is just not a show I am interested in.

Only time will tell

Torchwood Casting News from EW under the cut!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010


A week ago I didn't know this was a thing. Now I'm obsessed!

Now I learn the SyFy (seriously, why did they do this? They didn't need a name change) has picked up the web series "Riese". I'm into it! It's like a whose who (B version) of the channels stars.
Now all I need to do is somehow get the SyFy channel!

Inspiration (as usual) provided by i09

Recent Work

So here is some pro bono stuff I've been working on!

Project Cross Match from Rachelle Hamilton on Vimeo.

For the Unite in the Fight non profit AE and I did this promo for one of their fundraisers. I'm actually really happy at how it turned out considering we shot it in two days and Final cut crashed on me and I had to use imovie (yes imovie) to chop and crop the whole thing together!

And this little number is for the Restaurant le Riverains annual breast Cancer fundraiser, which I again have the honour of taking part in. Great resto, even greater cause!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thank you baby Jesus!

Nothing but good news coming out of Warner Bros concerning HP7. Plans for a 3D conversion have been scrapped due to time constraints. I am very happy with this news. 2D to 3D conversions are hideous. It only sucks because that's why they pushed it back in the first place. originally it was supposed to premier this past summer but was postponed to make the conversion. The article reference Clash of the Titans as an example of bad 3D conversion and I agree. If your not gonna shot it in 3D don't bother converting it. It just wastes time and looks like balls.

Full article under the cut

Friday, October 8, 2010


I totally used to ship these too on Firefly. Yes I know the age difference is creepy but for some reason I think they would have fit. Now I can't even watch Chuck cause he just looks old and it makes me miss Jayne too much.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Anna Trov on the Olivia/Fauxliva dilemma

"And Torv said she sort of missed playing the more repressed version of Olivia, as opposed to two versions who are both more open and emotional. She likes the role-reversal of having a woman be more cool and emotionally contained, while the two male leads constantly stand around the laboratory — which is basically like their kitchen — talking about their feelings and how they stand with each other. "I think so often, you have the guys that are the quiet, slient type, who do the tough stuff. And you have the girls who are working out and chatting and talking about their relationships," said Torv. "Fringe turns that on its head." Perversely, she found playing a more repressed character quite liberating."

Full article at i09 under the cut!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Here's to a good season boys!

Don't want to get too excited seeing as that's a bad idea, cause they tend to be pretty unpredictable, but hopefully a lot like last season, but with more winning.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


After 3 years of being in these guys, I so glad to hear that they are finally on the up! I was lucky enough to experience their "Gentlemen on the Road" tour, and I have to say that they are both gentlemen and extremely amazing live. Lucky for me I already have tickets to their next show in MTL, hope this time the crowd is better (not jokes we got sussshed at the last show, the crowd was balls) and a better opening band (coma inducing music to kill your children to) cause they bring enough awesomeness that it should follow them around as well.

Full EW interview under the cut!

Check out the vids! unlike my other brit obession Florence they make great ones! Woman makes great musicbut her vids (excluding comic love) are horrible

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So word on the street is that they're converting the entire Star Wars Saga into blu-ray for sale at Christmas and into 3D for a theatrical re release. I'd like that think that I'm above going to the theaters to see this, because of my dislike for 3D conversions, but who am I kidding? The chance to see Star Wars in theaters is just to great to pass up... I may have to get drunk to make it through Phantom Menace though.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pics from last night

So excuse the mobile phone quality of these photos! I had to work with what I had! SICK game last night, But I suppose any game is amazing when you up against the glass. Montreal vs. Flordia, in a winner takes all clash of the titans! Actually it was pre season but WHO CARES! There's something about banging on the glass and yelling that makes for such a much more tactile and invigorating hockey experience! That and I had a bottle of wine in me and any one who knows me know how belligerent and loud I get when drunk at sporting events.

A shout out to my wonderful date SLE who not only got us the most amazing seats in the house (girlfriend has a sweet job with sweet perks) but also to the two older guys sitting beside us, and the cute 10 year old behind us, who ate all of my candy and kept me updated on who all of the rookies were and how they were doing!

We worked it girl style, Habs jersey's (mine borrowed from my BF) tight pants and high heeled boots, as well as dinner and a BYOW before had! The only other was to roll is a 5 à 7 before, but alas we didn't have enough time.

Nothing says Montreal like Hockey! Can't wait for the regular season to start what with the play off last year and getting to watch the game up close this year, I feel like I'm really starting to be a big fan!

So Sad

Renowned film editor Sally Menke was found Dead in LA. SHe was most known for editing QT films like Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill. After Lisa Lassek, she's one of the women in Hollywoods jobs that I want the most.

Full EW article under the cut

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sigh, If only this came in movie form

We never got his back story, and most likely never will... at least not on screen. I recently bought Wash's "Float out" oneshot, but haven't gotten around to readying it... I miss Serenity

Full SFX article after the jump!

Friday, September 24, 2010

"It's not a dick, it's a duck!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, my vote for the best worst movie ever

The Long Kiss Goodnight

Starring Gena Davis and Samuel Jackson, LKG tell the story of Samantha Cain (Davis) a housewife with amnesia who tries to find out who she used to be.
*Spoiler Alert*
Long story short she turns out to be a government trained assassin who has now become the target of her former employers and must use all of her training as well as the help of Mitch Henessy (Jackson) to survive... you know, that old yarn.

Now just to put it outthere, this movie is pretty bad... who bad you ask? So bad that at one point Davis steal a pair of figure skates, skates down a river to catch up with a car full of bad guys, does a double axle and shoots them all... no seriously.

That being said this movie features such gems as

"Die screaming motherfucker"

"The last time I got blown, candy bars cost a nickel"

"I never did one thing right in my life, you know that? Not one. That takes skill."

"Mitch: Oh, shit! Ah, that hurt like shit!
Samantha: I know. That's why I distracted you first. Same principle as deflowering virgins.
Mitch: Huh? What? Virgin - ? What?
Samantha: Read it in this Harold Robbins book. Guy bites her on the ear. Distracts from the pain. Ever try that?
Mitch: No, no, I sock 'em in the jaw and yell, "Pop goes the weasel.""

"Alley Agent: Good evening, pretty lady. How 'bout some company?
Charlie: No thanks. I'm saving myself 'til I get raped."

And of course

All in all a must see for any bad movie night.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

*GASP!* There goes a year of my life

I can't express how happy I am at the quality of these films. This franchise could have easily sucked the big one, lost half the cast, had diva leads and just not come out fast enough. Instead it is the cinematic experience (and literary for that matter) of our generation.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Enders Game Movie!?!?

Full LA Times Article after the jump

Wow, Hopefully this rumor has legs. Enders game is by far my favorite Scifi book. And with Scott Card actually writing the script, this could be legit! OSC writing the script does surprise me as much as him allowing this to happen at all! Everything I've read about him on the subject of an Enders Game movie makes me think he is extremely wary of the process and does want his book to be ruined. and lets face it, who can blame him. Science fiction books, and books in general don't always translate well to film. For the longest time fans have had to settle with the OSC approved graphic novel. Maybe With OSC involved, this movie will get off the ground and wont be half bad... here's hoping.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

No One's Gonna Love You

Fresh of his sucess with "Fuck You" Cee Lo Green brings us a hauntingly beautiful cover of Band of Horses "No ones gonan love you". Love it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

I frakin' love this!

Love the cast for this! can't wait for it to come out! Hope Marsters gets to be a reoccurring villain!

And lets be honest... who doesn't love a marching band?!?!

*Spoiler Alert*
The pilot was not great. When William Sadler, James Marsters and Norman Reedus are all killed of in the pilot , two within the first 3 minutes, I start to loose interest. Combine that with awkward and way too accelerated pacing, and you have one disapointed viewer. That being said it was a hour of television, good jokes, good cast, and a good set up for the season to come. Based on the merits of the pilot this show gets two more episodes worth of my attention before I make up my mind.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

For a good cause

My Beloved D&D are running in honour of their mother who passed away this January after a lengthy battle with breast cancer. Please support them by making a donation to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation or to CIBC's Run for the Cure.

Support Ruthies Runners!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Before and After

So I like to get crafty,
Here some before and after goodness I've been participating in.
I bought this set of chairs for 5$, they were shit brown, and ones had a faded yellow cushion and the other had a dirty white one.

So LF and I spray painted the bases white.

I then went to Faricville and picked up 2m's of this real cute fabric for like 5, and 2m of Therm-O-Webs Iron on Vinyl with cost me about 10$ (actually it ended up being 20 cause I have to go back for seconds as I messed it up the first shot. I cut out the right sized pieces, ironed on the vinyl, stapled the fabric over top the cushions and VOILA! SUCCESS!

I'm hopefully going to be able to keep these babies outside for at least another month, then I want to move them into my dining room or kitchen seeing as my current chairs are garbage (my next project, better chairs!).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heroes and villains of imaginary worlds: A quick primer via Io9

Io9 Just posted a wonderful article on heroes and villains. It's nothing new or groundbreaking, but it's interesting to think of all of this in relation to each other and to the books/tv and film we consume.

The 5 types of heroes:

The Fearless Explorer/Warrior This hero doesn't necessarily have a pith hat, but still ventures where few have gone before, blazing a trail into the unknown. He/she fights monsters and seduces babes — and occasionally the other way around, when the monsters are in disguise. And where civilization is in danger, the Explorer will often help shore it up.
Notable examples: Captain James T. Kirk, Buck Rogers, Ellen Ripley, Flash Gordon.

The Chosen Savior. You could argue this type of hero is lifted from fantasy — he/she is the only one who can save everyone from a menace, usually due to some special abilities or some prophecy.

Notable examples: Luke Skywalker, Katniss Everdeen, Neo.
Capt. Reynolds
The Anti-Hero. An amoral rogue, this type of hero always claims to be out for him/herself, but we never quite believe it — when the chips are down, these heroes always turn out to have a heart of gold (literally, in the case of Zaphod Beeblebrox).
Notable examples: Han Solo, Mal Reynolds, "Slippery" Jim DiGriz, Riddick (maybe).

The Scientist/Detective. Like the explorer, this type of hero goes and pokes into what's going on — but often, he or she has more of a scientific/technical background, and looks into weird happenings closer to home. The opposite of the Chosen Savior, the Scientist/Investigator often fights to preserve the status quo instead of overturning it.
Notable examples: Mulder and Scully, Walter Bishop, Bernard Quatermass, Judge Dredd, Batman.

The Everyman. Or everywoman, for that matter. A regular person, who gets swept up in strange happenings and is out of his/her depth in a big way. Sometimes this character gets some superpowers or becomes extraordinary in spite of him/herself.
Notable examples: Arthur Dent, Peter Parker, Alex Rogan.

What's the difference between "hero" and "protagonist?"

Almost every story has a protagonist — or sometimes more than one — but not every protagonist is a hero. "Hero" is a subset of "protagonist." But what's the difference?

There are a million ways of making the distinction between the bigger circle and the smaller circle, but I'd say it's not just a matter of whether you root for this person. We root for protagonists all the time, without necessarily thinking they're heroic.

A lot of it hinges on whether we perceive this character as caring about more than him/herself — the thing that makes an anti-hero an anti-hero, after all, is usually that he or she finally does display a degree of altruism and concern for other sentients. The crucial hinge in a superhero's origin story is usually when he or she makes the decision to start doing the right thing. (The "with great power" moment.)

And yeah, stakes matter. If the hero's main heroic act is to hold the door open for someone, or not to steal an extra cookie from the office kitchen, then most of us would have a hard time viewing that as really heroic, in any meaningful sense. Of course, something can be on a smaller scale and still be heroic, like saving one person's life versus saving an entire planet, but it's the type of stake more than the size that makes it significant, in my view.

The 5 types of villains:

The Misguided Savior. Often kind of an egomaniac, these villains believe they're the Chosen Savior, despite all the evidence to the contrary. They see it as their heroic duty to rid the universe of the real Chosen Savior.
Notable examples: Lex Luthor, Magneto,

The Neon Nazi. Basically, you're dealing with a space Hitler, who's usually bent on world/universal domination and frequently has some kind of racial/personal superiority complex. If this person actually achieves power, then they become the Dark Ruler that the Chosen Savior has to overthrow.
Notable examples: The Daleks, Cobra Commander, Baal, Darth Vader.
The Trickster God. These characters don't have to be all-powerful, but it helps. Usually, as Blackadder would say, we are like private parts to these gods — they play with us for their sport.
Notable examples: Q, Mr. Mxyzptlk.

The Antisocial Psycho. This type of villain is an anarchist and an antichrist. Usually mentally/psychically damaged, he/she wants to tear it all down and watch it burn and then put the ashes into a leaf blower and choke you with them. And then nuke the scattered ashes from space.
Notable examples: The Master, the Joker.
The Hero's Foil. Just so we can appreciate how freakin awesome the hero is, we get to see someone who faced the same choices but chose wrong. Often this is a literal double of the hero, with the same powers or special "thing" that the hero has.
Notable examples: Iron Monger, the Abomination, Doctor Doom.

This time it's ideological! The main conflicts that heroes and villains often seem to work out

Totalitarianism vs. individualism. Especially during the great struggles of the Twentieth Century between totalitarian regimes and democracies, a lot of science fiction from the democratic West had to do with individuals struggling against the crushing hand of the state. The villains stood for conformity, brainwashing, slavery and collectivism. The heroes, such as Number Six in The Prisoner, stood for freedom of thought.

War-mongering vs. peaceful coexistence. The villains want to conquer, or gain more power, or control more natural resources. The heroes just want to be left alone and do their happy dances, and the villains keep attacking and exploiting.

Chaos vs. social order. Sort of the flipside of the totalitarianism/individualism one. Ordinary people just want to go about their daily lives undisturbed, but agents of chaos or greedy power-mad maniacs want to screw everything up.

Xenophobia ruins everything. When you hate people who aren't like you, it always ends horribly — and usually bloodily as well.

Check out the full article after the jump!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shameless Reblog

Montreal je T'adore Project

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I'm 11 out of 25.. lame

25 classic sci fi films one must see

I09's list of 25 classic sci fis you have to see. I'm a little disappointed in myself, i've only seen 11 of these... I need to get back to work!
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