Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It Even Sucks in Fast Forward

Trying to watch The Ten Commandments and even if I skip every other scene and watch it in fast forward it it EXCRUCIATING! It's also extremely white, romanticized, self righteous, over the top, long, overacted IT NEVER ENDS!

The credit sequence alone is like 10 minutes long!

I really love my Moses class but I do not love 4 hours of Charlton Heston! Especially when he's so bronzed and greasy, not hot!

Home Before Sunrise

I just realized that I never posted this

Welcome to the Copyleft

This is the new documentary by Brent Gaylor on the sub-culture of mashups and remixs. The whole film makes an argument for the freeing up of intellectual culture. Culture builds on itself and corporations owing all of our cultures intellectual property is wrong. Watch the vid (it's actually in chapters, so you may have to stream more then one of them) get informed and visit http://www.opensourcecinema.org/ for more on Brent Gaylor and remixing videos (you can actually go remix the whole movie) or http://creativecommons.org/ to see the different ways in which you can "custoumize" th copyrightng of your work.

P.S It's also super cool cause my class (COMS 274) participated in this doucmentary, we rotoscoped a bunch of the scenes, for the full vid:


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My part (I got the crappy part, cause it's just him going nuts and you can barely tell what he's doing, but it still looks super cool) Comes in at about 1:15 and cuts out at like 1:19, It's short I know but thats because we literally had to animate it frame by frame!

Also because The Walt Disney Corp is the devil with copyright infringement, here is a halarious video that explains fair use through ripping off Disney movies, CLASSIC!

Monday, March 30, 2009

My First Coffe Shop Post

Feeling extremely cool and new age-y right now, posting from a coffee shop. I am such a cliche. LOVES IT! Feeling pretty good, the semester is winding down and instead of my usual end-of-semester-panic I find myself surprisingly able to keep up. Sure I still have a paper (mostly done), a final (which I actually didn't even know about), a take home and a film to finish, but it the greater scheme of things it all seems extremely do-able. Or maybe I'm crazy... that's defintely a viable option. I often question whether my sanity falls within legal requirments, especially for some one who drives a car and has access to many questionable web content... I'm sure I'm fine!

On a lighter note, finished recoring foley the other day and then voice overs this saturday. Both went extremly well. My talented sound designer has already placed most of the foely and gotten started on the VO's. I'm also meeting my music man tomorrow in order to give him the latest edit so that he can start placing the already composed music into the film.
Things are comin' up me!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Your Black and White Needs a Little Bit of Red

Good people good work

So I'm in the recording studio with my peeps, waiting for our next voice actress to show up and I'm really happy. Maybe it's the pizza we're expecting or the fact the my film is BEAUTIFUL! But I'm feeling extremely optimistic about this project. I've been very proud of it the entire way through and instead of getting sick of it, the more pieces we add the better. I'm just surrounded by all of these great people, these great artists, and they inspire me. We're finding creative solutions to problems that keep adding more and more to our story. Each new person who joins seems to bring something with them that adds yet another dimension to our project.

I remember originally being afraid that no one would get it, now I'm finding that everyone sees and puts a piece of themselves into it. For the first time in a while I feel like an artist, I'm creating art, and it feels good.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Why don't you just drop dead

Posted a bunch of old myspace era blogs because I was feeling nostalgic and because my blog was looking lame and empty

General Public Advisory

So I've decided that starting a blog is the best way for me to

Ween myself off of Facebook (it's the freakin' devil I'm not kidding)
For me to satisfy my digital narcissistic complex
for me to own my own shit (look it up fb is the Anti-Christ with that shit).

The one thing this blog wont do is satisfy my digital supriority complex. I'm one of those awful people who has people from highschool on my facebook just so that when I'm feeling down I can feel better about myself. Cause I may be a broke student going no where , but at least i'm still not living in Ormstown and posing half nude on the internet with two kids!

P.S another way to feel better about yourself is to visit www.fmylife.com funny shit, no matter how bad your day is there's most definatly some poor asshole whose had a far shittier day then you.

Getting to the point of this post, do not leave raw eggs ( for example in uncooked cookie dough) in th refridgerator for more then a day. The results are both putrifying and violent.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shamless First Blog

It is currently 12:47 am and I can't decide if it is to early or to late to start blogging. Either way, to tired, just wanted to test it out.

also: shamless plug, need a new roommate
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