Sunday, October 25, 2009

Birth- O- Ween

Here's a ticket I designed for the 5th annual Birth- O-Ween celebrations. Every Year a friend of mine throws a birthday/halloween party (get it?) and the theme this year was comic book super heroes. People stretched the theme pretty far and it ended up being an awesome night, open bar, nough' said!

The ticket was hard because we first established that we wanted a long vertical strip with three panels. But when we finally found the image we liked (which took forever!) we had to reduce it to two. Also the original image has them all touching. So I had to duplicate the image, and then photoshop the girls out of the first panel and the weird dude out of the second panel. Then I had to duplicate the background and edit in all of the thought bubbles. Next we chose a font (very important), then designed a simple back to the ticket and VIOLA! Instant awesomeness (that took the better part of 4 hours).

Thanks again to Summer Jordan and Jon for the opportunity and from Pappy for the awesome blog, that I stole the photo from.

"There is no end to the problems I can solve on my back.."

That's a small snippet from the new Screenplay I'm writting. it's a piolt for a dramedy called [trash]. It's the story about a family living in a trailer park. Hopefully it will make for funny stuff. So far I'm on my 15th page and I need to have 20pages by tomorrow morning. I brave through and power forward!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Pam Grier, Foxy Brown (Movie - 1974) | 10 Best Blaxploitation Flicks | Photo 1 of 11 |

Totally doing my Film Crit paper on this
Male and Female gaze in Early Blaxploitation Films

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009


How was I not aware they did this!

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