Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Cosmic Love

I'm glad she's finally making this video, lets just hope it doesn't suck as bad as the rest of them

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I finally fully understand narcicism... Cause who else can ever truly love and understand you better then yourself?
This thought makes me smile for 30 before I realize that my problem isn't that I'm narcicistic, it's that I'm not. It's that I'm self depricating and that I find it funny. Also that I have man calves... Those really fuck me up.

This just shit the bed

Only Queens of Noise is mildly okay, but thats all it is ... mild, weak, uninspired.
I can't believe how seriously they've dropped the ball with this one, the film is going to have to be out of this world to save the train wreck that are these songs. And even that is unlikely, how can you have a movie about a band without good music.
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