Thursday, March 24, 2011


Really. This is the best they could come up with? I feel like this doesn't say a thing about the story line or the show in general.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mr Rodgers would be proud

I find this fascinating! Th designer in me was riveted to this!

How Ink Is Made

The Black Hole short


Tuesday, March 22, 2011



Head on over to i09 to see a 1 min preview of Captain America!


Complete trailer!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Alan Tudyk!

Another one of my favorite male stars books a gig.
Wash will be playing Stephen A. Douglas in "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter."
Full article over @ Variety

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Test Pattern

Stolen from SWISS MISS Who got it from a bunch of other people. I think it originated on Tumblr

It's Propaganda time!

Everyone does it at sometime or another! Check out posters put out by the Chinese from the 50's to the 90's in this online gallery. Some pretty interesting stuff! Socially as well as artistically.

True story, during my film history class in CEGEP, we were watching Triumph of the Will (most elaborate piece of nazi propaganda EVER!) as well as some Canadian war time films (also arguably propaganda) ones of my friends leaned over to me and whispered 'Whats propaganda?" Needless to say we weren't really friends after that

Courtosey of

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Captainy Goodness

Loves me some Ellen Page and Nathan Fillion!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Nerd Alert

Anyone who knows my knows I have a thing for fonts.

Finally a game I can get behind!

basically you just guess what font it is. the more you get right the more fonts are unlocked and the harder it gets!


Star Wars Prints by Andy Helms

Stuff like this never gets old for me. It's amazing how decades later these films are still influential enough to inspire artists.

Speaking of! you kids heard about Lucases 3D plans?!?!? Not a fan of this idea in general but would love to see them in theaters!
Courtesy of GeekIz

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Know your Avengers!

The Lovely people over at IGN just posted this Avengers primer. It includes recaps and photos f the characters that will be featured in the film.

I am starting to get really anxious for this to come out.

Full Article at IGN
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