So mer and bascially tried to finish a bottle of Captain Morgans spiced rum... Luckily this morning isn't so bad.
We've all officially given up sleeping in past 8am. Sunlight hyperactive roosters and wild street fighting dogs make it utterly impossible to get any kind of real rest. Also we are all considering trying to barter with the annoyingcat that lives at our place. If with can't sell it our back up plan is to throw it off the roof.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Dallas, TX, chewing is over rated!
WTF -2 in Dallas! I thought it was supposed to be warm in this place!
Also craziest security I have ever experience of my life 3.5 hours ... Woof!
Siriporn says chewing is overated.
Also craziest security I have ever experience of my life 3.5 hours ... Woof!
Siriporn says chewing is overated.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas Bounty
New iPod touch. Will be blogging and
communicating from this baby in Mexico. Frak that's in 2 days... Maybe I should pack.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Mischa Barton Syndrome
It's official, I'm coining it.
Successfully TV actors who leave shows at the wrong time to be nothings
David Caruso - NY PD Blue
Misha Barton - The OC
And of course Denise Crosby on Star Trek Next Generation
She quit the show after the first season cause she thought she was too good for it. Then when she realized that she had no career she got the writers to write her back on to the show (Did I mention they had killed her off!) to create THE FREAKIN LARGEST RETCON SINCE SEASON 5 OF BUFFY !! (if you don't know what I'm talking about ask some one you know, I don't even wanna talk about it). The result is multiple time lines, arcs and freaky Romulan human babies that look exactly their mother who died, came back in an alt time line, the proceed to get pulled through a time vortex only to be kidnapped by romulans have a romulan baby, who grows up just in time so she can reappear on the show playing her own daughter who looks exactly like her with a bad Romulan haircut!
Why do they keep bringing her back? I sincerely hope Ronald D Moore (head writer) hates himself
Successfully TV actors who leave shows at the wrong time to be nothings
David Caruso - NY PD Blue
Misha Barton - The OC
And of course Denise Crosby on Star Trek Next Generation
She quit the show after the first season cause she thought she was too good for it. Then when she realized that she had no career she got the writers to write her back on to the show (Did I mention they had killed her off!) to create THE FREAKIN LARGEST RETCON SINCE SEASON 5 OF BUFFY !! (if you don't know what I'm talking about ask some one you know, I don't even wanna talk about it). The result is multiple time lines, arcs and freaky Romulan human babies that look exactly their mother who died, came back in an alt time line, the proceed to get pulled through a time vortex only to be kidnapped by romulans have a romulan baby, who grows up just in time so she can reappear on the show playing her own daughter who looks exactly like her with a bad Romulan haircut!
Why do they keep bringing her back? I sincerely hope Ronald D Moore (head writer) hates himself
pop culture,
the universe,
things I hate,
Morning After Discoveries
This I tiredly found scrawled on my wrist:
"I don;t have enough money to pay the dentist, But I do have enough to chew on the on the side of my mouth"
"He's the thing you throw under the bus to stop it"
"I don;t have enough money to pay the dentist, But I do have enough to chew on the on the side of my mouth"
"He's the thing you throw under the bus to stop it"
I like,
morning after,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Host
Watching a episode of Next Generation (don't even think about breathing the word "Degrassi") where Riker get invaded by a foreign host, Trill to be exact. Long story short it makes him feel like shit. Likewise I am currently fending off my second cold this season and I'm hating it! I actually felt myself get sicker and sicker last night. I blame Christmas! Fun fact: I am part Grinch. On the bright side I'm done for the semester!
pop culture,
Monday, November 30, 2009
Greatest Influences
Had to do this for one of my classes, thought I'd share.
1. STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE - Watching this at 13 years old my first thought was "I want to be a Jedi". My second thought was "I want to be the person who made this and who made me want to be a jedi"
2. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (TV) - This show came to me at a time of transition in my life and it changed me. It also introduced me to my second greatest influence Joss Whedon.
3. The Matrix - Epic, crazy use of Christian and Gnostic myths, awesome VFX.
4. Dogfight - The only romantic drama I like. Made me relate so heavily to the main character. Still makes me cry.
5. The Breakfast Club - First film I saw to rely so heavily on characters and dialogue.
6. Juno - I wish I was this funny all the time.
7. Firefly (TV) - Favorite television show of all time. SPACE WESTERN enough said...
8. Alias (TV) - First television show I watched religiously
9. M*A*S*H - The best of comedic television.
10. Rent - Changed my mind about musicals and the 80's. seeing it on Broadway reinforced this.
1. STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE - Watching this at 13 years old my first thought was "I want to be a Jedi". My second thought was "I want to be the person who made this and who made me want to be a jedi"
2. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (TV) - This show came to me at a time of transition in my life and it changed me. It also introduced me to my second greatest influence Joss Whedon.
3. The Matrix - Epic, crazy use of Christian and Gnostic myths, awesome VFX.
4. Dogfight - The only romantic drama I like. Made me relate so heavily to the main character. Still makes me cry.
5. The Breakfast Club - First film I saw to rely so heavily on characters and dialogue.
6. Juno - I wish I was this funny all the time.
7. Firefly (TV) - Favorite television show of all time. SPACE WESTERN enough said...
8. Alias (TV) - First television show I watched religiously
9. M*A*S*H - The best of comedic television.
10. Rent - Changed my mind about musicals and the 80's. seeing it on Broadway reinforced this.
must watch,
pop culture,
star wars,
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Bitch Goddess
I hereby declare my status as a feminist. I've just watched the longest string of male chauvinistic, patriarchal, racist, heteronormative crap and I HATE IT. Fuck em!
Why are women given roles that amount to either prostitute or mother? Where are all the strong women? Maybe I should watch something made after 1973... Not sure it would do much good.
Why are women given roles that amount to either prostitute or mother? Where are all the strong women? Maybe I should watch something made after 1973... Not sure it would do much good.
pop culture,
things I hate
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
New musical Obession
This woman is utterly magical to see live
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must listen,
pop culture,
I feel like they must own Joss soul, or the right to his first born child, that why he keeps going back to them.
Granted they did get a second season and they will get a chance to burn off the last of the 13 episodes, I still don't think that FOX gave them enough of a chance.
Granted they did get a second season and they will get a chance to burn off the last of the 13 episodes, I still don't think that FOX gave them enough of a chance.
must watch,
pop culture,
things I hate,
It's official, FOX are the gate keepers to my own personal hell
I just don't think that big networks and corporations in general realize how shitty they are. This whole capitalist agenda of theirs consistently ruins my life. WHATS WRONG WITH JUST MAKING GOOD TELEVISION. Why must they constantly prevent those with talent and vision from sharing their awesomeness with the world.
Why are shows with heart, a conscious, and a message feared? Why are innovations in character development and storyline seen as too confusing? Viewers are smart! And if your products were more readily available for non live viewing, people would be more willing to invest in complicated storyline. Also DVR, iTunes and Online view should count towards official viewership, lets be honest, that is how we watch television now, get with it.
Network television I flip you and your hegemonic capitalist heteronormative ass's the bird!
Also I am currently taking bets on how long it takes FOX to systematically ruin GLEE. Who's in?
Why are shows with heart, a conscious, and a message feared? Why are innovations in character development and storyline seen as too confusing? Viewers are smart! And if your products were more readily available for non live viewing, people would be more willing to invest in complicated storyline. Also DVR, iTunes and Online view should count towards official viewership, lets be honest, that is how we watch television now, get with it.
Network television I flip you and your hegemonic capitalist heteronormative ass's the bird!
Also I am currently taking bets on how long it takes FOX to systematically ruin GLEE. Who's in?
pop culture,
things I hate,
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
digital culture,
I like,
must watch,
pop culture,
shout out,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Birth- O- Ween

Here's a ticket I designed for the 5th annual Birth- O-Ween celebrations. Every Year a friend of mine throws a birthday/halloween party (get it?) and the theme this year was comic book super heroes. People stretched the theme pretty far and it ended up being an awesome night, open bar, nough' said!
The ticket was hard because we first established that we wanted a long vertical strip with three panels. But when we finally found the image we liked (which took forever!) we had to reduce it to two. Also the original image has them all touching. So I had to duplicate the image, and then photoshop the girls out of the first panel and the weird dude out of the second panel. Then I had to duplicate the background and edit in all of the thought bubbles. Next we chose a font (very important), then designed a simple back to the ticket and VIOLA! Instant awesomeness (that took the better part of 4 hours).
Thanks again to Summer Jordan and Jon for the opportunity and from Pappy for the awesome blog, that I stole the photo from.
creative process,
digital culture,
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my work,
pop culture,
shout out,
"There is no end to the problems I can solve on my back.."
That's a small snippet from the new Screenplay I'm writting. it's a piolt for a dramedy called [trash]. It's the story about a family living in a trailer park. Hopefully it will make for funny stuff. So far I'm on my 15th page and I need to have 20pages by tomorrow morning. I brave through and power forward!
creative process,
my work,
pop culture,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Pam Grier, Foxy Brown (Movie - 1974) | 10 Best Blaxploitation Flicks | Photo 1 of 11 |
Totally doing my Film Crit paper on this
Male and Female gaze in Early Blaxploitation Films
Totally doing my Film Crit paper on this
Male and Female gaze in Early Blaxploitation Films
Friday, October 16, 2009
one of the best shows you're not watching
From the mind of Joss Whedon
I like,
must watch,
pop culture,
shout out,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Out For A Walk..... BITCH!
One of the greatest Buffy Moments
fan girl,
I like,
must watch,
pop culture,
shout out,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Todays Goals
My goals for the day include being able to eat, If I can hold down this water for the next 10 minutes I will attempt a slice of bread. Class is completely out the question. I have no ambition to leave this couch... FML
Watching Star Trek Next Generation, That is also acceptable
Watching Star Trek Next Generation, That is also acceptable
the universe,
things I hate
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I now know why people hate the government... dealing with them is so incredibly frustrating! Apply for an educational loan is like trying to get on the donor list!
All I want is their money, why is that such a difficult concept?!?!
One year left! the countdown to real life begins
All I want is their money, why is that such a difficult concept?!?!
One year left! the countdown to real life begins
things I hate
Friday, August 14, 2009
On the edge of my seat
I hate al this waiting, waiting to leave to then wait in the car to then wait in traffic to then wait for the plane to land, wait for her to get off wait for her to get her bags wait for her to go through security.. BA too much waiting!
I hate al this waiting, waiting to leave to then wait in the car to then wait in traffic to then wait for the plane to land, wait for her to get off wait for her to get her bags wait for her to go through security.. BA too much waiting!
Friday, July 31, 2009
I Was A Teenage Feminist
I was a teenage feminist from Rachelle Hamilton on Vimeo.
Found footage exercise edited on a Steenbeck.. So what this basically means is that we went through the old film library, canabalized the old reels, and hand cut and taped eveything together on one of these babies
We then did the same thing with the sound track and VOILA! A film collage! Because these things could only be shown on projecttor we had the whole thing digitalized and it is now available for you viewing pleasure!
Oh also this was done during my feminist phase! good times!
creative process,
must watch,
my work,
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
This one goes out to my homies in... well where ever you are
This ones a shout out to my home girl Kelly in Germany who apparently reads this blog to catch up with my news, and little lady I hate to break it to you, but my life is DULL! I mean it's not that it sucks or anything, far from it I'm quite happy, But my life consists of a very dull, wake up, eat work, eat, see my boyfriend, maybe once in a while we'll go on a date, get some ice cream... Oh and then I scramble around trying to finish my homework, that I haven't done, cause I'm absent minded to the point of mild retardation. I also still watch and unseemly amount of X-files (One season left and I'm dreading it cause it's going to suck!) and I'm trying to get into True Blood for the second time, but as hard as I try I still think it's gross and the main characters are stupid.
Um Megan's wedding is this weekend, gots me a sexy dress, an overpriced wedding gift (OMG buying it was a nightmare! the staff at Sears SUCK!) and a hot date who may or may not be there, because I may or may not be there, because that night at work is gonna be HUGE! And it is also rookie party so Duke is gonna spend some time doing that. Hopefully I make it there before 1am and be able to see the happy couple. Oh also Liv is at camp, Rik still hates me, Lynn and Garry are chill.
Work is nice making decent money, it's not golf course crazy and the food is good, and Allison doesn't sound a thing like Lise.
If I missed something lemme know!
Um Megan's wedding is this weekend, gots me a sexy dress, an overpriced wedding gift (OMG buying it was a nightmare! the staff at Sears SUCK!) and a hot date who may or may not be there, because I may or may not be there, because that night at work is gonna be HUGE! And it is also rookie party so Duke is gonna spend some time doing that. Hopefully I make it there before 1am and be able to see the happy couple. Oh also Liv is at camp, Rik still hates me, Lynn and Garry are chill.
Work is nice making decent money, it's not golf course crazy and the food is good, and Allison doesn't sound a thing like Lise.
If I missed something lemme know!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Mulders's back! Krycek back (btw best villan ever)! and the planets are starting to re align. hopefully they don't re-fuck this. Also geek alert: Jayne has the most bad ass cameo.
Currently watching The X-Files seson 8 and it's feeble attempts to hide the fact the David Duchovny is a douche bag and didn't want to come back for the last two season. All the do is write around the fact that he isn't there. I don't buy any of the story lines they've cooked up, because even in the verse they don't make sense. They ended the big story line of the first six season with the BIGGEST ret-con, and just keep going back and back and changining this and it's fuckin' pissing me off. I thought i'd hate Dogget, but honestly he's no half bad. That new bitch is a pain in the ass (She's all "look at me, im new age and open minded!" SHUT UP BITCH!), and Scully just completly lost her spine and crys and crys all the time. Don't get me wrong I still very much enjoy the show, but it's just not the same as the first six seasons. I'll never get over this. What a show, loves it.
I like,
must watch,
pop culture,
things I hate,
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tough Love Tuesday
OMFG I cannot wait until the 2nd. I'll finally be moved, done my midterm and back to my regularly scheduled programming!
Also fun fact, tomorrow is Canada day, do yourself a favor and watch One Week. Lovely poignant film about a dying man and his trek across Canada... No not Terry
OMFG I cannot wait until the 2nd. I'll finally be moved, done my midterm and back to my regularly scheduled programming!
Also fun fact, tomorrow is Canada day, do yourself a favor and watch One Week. Lovely poignant film about a dying man and his trek across Canada... No not Terry
I like,
must watch,
pop culture,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Morning After Discoveries
Things I found drunkenly scrawled on my wrist this morning
Nuf' said!
Nuf' said!
I like,
morning after,
pop culture,
the universe
Friday, June 12, 2009
Goals for this years fair
#1. Not make out with any of my co workers
#2. Not have to take a 30$ cab ride home
#3. Not puke on my shoes
That is all
#1. Not make out with any of my co workers
#2. Not have to take a 30$ cab ride home
#3. Not puke on my shoes
That is all
the universe
Friday, June 5, 2009
Who need good weather when I have good TV...
I'm in my like hundredth hour of X-Files watching. Fuck the great outdoors, I've got Scully and Mulder! Trying to get the 6th season done before my getaway this weekend. AWESOME SEASON! And of course, not to be unproductive I've also managed to eat lunch and paint my toenails. It's too bad I have to work later, then this would be a complete waste of a day!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
So tired ear ache, no idea whats going on at work, it's Thursday and I still don't have a schedule, which is unfortunate. All things considered it's still better then the golf course. Dreading this weekend. Meeting the Qc side of his family. I'm not good with in-laws, extended family old people or young kids, this should be fun!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Things are looking up
Got a job, stopped the emotional eating, gots me a hot date tonight, dollhouse got renewed, my parents are out of town, things are coming up shiny for me this week. Also last week I bought the coolest basket for my bike (I'm so going for a ride later)an activity I'm thoroughly enjoying. The only bummer is that Apple came out with their back to school ipod promotion 3 weeks after I bought my computer. BOO! I would have loved and ipod touch. Also loving the new job, working' at the Riverain in Ormstown. It's extremely lovely and such as change from the golf course. Instead of always being there working my ass off and being stressed. I'm happy working hard and having fun. It probably wont be as lucrative a summer as last year, but after the stress that was last semester I really need a change of pace... and now for my bike ride!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
You must watch this episode (below, above is the trailer)! At least the last 5 minutes! If the rest of the season can be half as cool as this episode I am going to die! Loves it!
Also in other TV news Dollhouse has been renewed for a second season! Fan girls of the world unite!
For the full episode
fan girl,
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pop culture,
Gay Marriage Will Save the Economy!
Gotta love the Mo's
Equality for all!
Equality for all!
pop culture,
Nerd Alert!
BAH! They are remaking V, with two actors from firefly (Morena Baccarin and Alan Tudyk), what else could a fan girl ask for?! I'm soooo gonna have to check out the 83/83/85 mini series/show! I'm teling you it's Battlestar syndrome!They are bringing back previously failed Sci Fi shows! LOVE IT!
Check out the clips!
Check out the clips!
fan girl,
I like,
pop culture,
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Post Lobster Party Regrets
Hung over and tired.
Tip for the masses: lobster and half a bottle of rum may seem like a great idea at first, but things really start to go down hill fast.
Unfortunately this tiredness has turned morose and the depression I've successfully been keeping at bay for some time has crept up and begun kicking my ass! I'm still unemployed, bored and undecided about where I'm going to spend my summer (City or country). The more time I spend thinking about it the further I get from making a decision and the harder it becomes and the more desperate I become to figure my shit out, which makes me think harder.. it's a fuckin' vicious circle! This has lead to a my depraved economic state as well as a vast amount of emotional eating... FML
Tip for the masses: lobster and half a bottle of rum may seem like a great idea at first, but things really start to go down hill fast.
Unfortunately this tiredness has turned morose and the depression I've successfully been keeping at bay for some time has crept up and begun kicking my ass! I'm still unemployed, bored and undecided about where I'm going to spend my summer (City or country). The more time I spend thinking about it the further I get from making a decision and the harder it becomes and the more desperate I become to figure my shit out, which makes me think harder.. it's a fuckin' vicious circle! This has lead to a my depraved economic state as well as a vast amount of emotional eating... FML
things I hate,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
On a lighter note...
I forgot to mention, the bank has stopped playing slum lords with my money (actually no they haven't I've just been moving money around them) and I was finally able to get my new computer.. its shiny
digital culture,
digital narcissim,
I like,
the universe
Promise me you wont ever kill yourself
I'll be honest, I'm not good with funerals. I'm sure that no one particularly is any good at funerals, but I'm defiantly not a fan of them. I can't help it, the second I see someone I care about cry I start to cry. I don't know what I'll do when it's someone I care about that dies... And that is my depressing thought of the week.
RIP Adrien Sparrow
RIP Adrien Sparrow
the universe
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Dam the Man!
Also! biggest piss off EVER! The bank has all of my money and they wont give it to me!I just want to buy a computer but NO! Fuckers... they'd better all get syphilis and go crazy and die blind... I must have terrible karma for putting that out there...
the universe,
things I hate
Blessings in disguise from on high
Ya so I got fired... technically I wasn't fired I just didn't make it past the original training period (which I actually had no idea I was still in) and honestly I couldn't be happier. I think the night manager on the phone was expecting me to cry or to be pissed or something BUT NO! Good riddance to you shitty ass job! yay! so ya, blessing in disguise.
The religious portion of this post comes with a fun activity a friend of mine and I like to try. We've got this thing we do where we log on to dating web sites and basically we search people out, rate their hotness, make fun of their photos, laugh at their sad bios. Basically we are cruel and laugh at peoples misfortunes. Funny stuff you should try it. Now the reason it was especially funny this week is because we logged on to a xtian dating web site with the sole purpose of being dumped for Jesus (no kidding this happened to a friend of mine TWICE!) by some southern bible humper. Needless to say laughs ensued and we enjoy ourselves thoroughly! defiantly a fun activity for a rainy day! The internet dating world is a scary one let me tell you!
The religious portion of this post comes with a fun activity a friend of mine and I like to try. We've got this thing we do where we log on to dating web sites and basically we search people out, rate their hotness, make fun of their photos, laugh at their sad bios. Basically we are cruel and laugh at peoples misfortunes. Funny stuff you should try it. Now the reason it was especially funny this week is because we logged on to a xtian dating web site with the sole purpose of being dumped for Jesus (no kidding this happened to a friend of mine TWICE!) by some southern bible humper. Needless to say laughs ensued and we enjoy ourselves thoroughly! defiantly a fun activity for a rainy day! The internet dating world is a scary one let me tell you!
break ups,
digital narcissim,
I like,
pop culture
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Make Me A Lady
My Film
My final 16mm Bolex final in partnership with Andrea Elalouf and Dauphine Productions
Make Me A Lady from Rachelle Hamilton on Vimeo.
My final 16mm Bolex final in partnership with Andrea Elalouf and Dauphine Productions
I like,
make me a lady,
my work,
pop culture,
small town girl pictures,
the universe
Monday, April 13, 2009
Anyone know any good Lorem Ipsum jokes?
So I'm 2175 words into a 2500 word paper and I'm seriously considering just putting in 325 words worth of Lorem Ipsum in there and hoping to god my doc film teacher doesn't notice...
Last paper of the semester, I JUST WANT TO BE DONE!
The sad thing is I start my summer classes in less then a month... FML
Last paper of the semester, I JUST WANT TO BE DONE!
The sad thing is I start my summer classes in less then a month... FML
things I hate
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Documentary's You Should See
So I've just finished my semester, having taken this wonderful documnetary film class and I thought I'm share the high lights.
Gimme Shelter (1970): This film by the Maysles brothers, is about the Rolling Stones, and the time leading up to the contropversial concert they played at Atltamont stadium which resulted in the death of one of the concert goers at the hands of the Hells Angels, who the band had hired as security. Now alot is missing from this film, for example you never see any of them do drugs, drink or have sex, which lets be honest, is most of what they were doing at the time, but the heart of the films lies In the scenes where Zwerin (the films editor) is showing the band the footage of the concert. Also Tina Turner makes the sexiest cameo EVER!
Following Sean (2005): A follow up to a student film he made entitled Sean, director Ralph Arlyck uses following Sean as a way to catch up with the young boy he knew so long ago, as well as a way to talk about his own life and the experiences they share. More autobiographical then you would expect, but you can't help but be pulled in by the simple lives of these two men and the film that they first made. Try to watch Sean as well as Folowing Sean.
Wrestling With Shadows (1998): Directed by Paul Jay Wrestling with Shadows chronicles the last year of Brett "The Hitman" Hearts last year in the WWF (later the WWE) especially the months leading up to the infamous "Montreal Screwjob". Arguably not the most well made documentary, but extermly entertaining, considering the built in story line and the complexity of Hearts character.
Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer (2003): Life and Death of a Seiral Killer is the second film Nick Broomfield did about famed female serial killer Aileen Wournos, the first being about her trial, and this the second on, about her execution. It is completly impossible to watch this film and not feel a huge amount of sympathy for Wournos. Broomfield, who clearly has a complexe relationship with Wournos (he is one of the only people that she will to see her, and the only one allowed to interview her) plays a large part in the development of the film, and becomes integral to the attempts to stay her execution. A much different portrait of Wournos then Hollywoods Monster.
Touching the Void (2003): Kevin Macdonalds film about one of the most extraordinary climbing experiences of all time, does what no film I've ever seen has ever done: managed to make dramatic recreations completly engaging and compelling. This is one of those movies where you know the ending, yet the you are on the edge of your seat the entire time. The film is the retelling of two mens attempt to climb Siula Grande when one of the men gets injured. The sound for this film is amazing, and I defy anyone not to feel every excuritating second of this film.
So those were some of my favorites! Enjoy!
Gimme Shelter (1970): This film by the Maysles brothers, is about the Rolling Stones, and the time leading up to the contropversial concert they played at Atltamont stadium which resulted in the death of one of the concert goers at the hands of the Hells Angels, who the band had hired as security. Now alot is missing from this film, for example you never see any of them do drugs, drink or have sex, which lets be honest, is most of what they were doing at the time, but the heart of the films lies In the scenes where Zwerin (the films editor) is showing the band the footage of the concert. Also Tina Turner makes the sexiest cameo EVER!
Following Sean (2005): A follow up to a student film he made entitled Sean, director Ralph Arlyck uses following Sean as a way to catch up with the young boy he knew so long ago, as well as a way to talk about his own life and the experiences they share. More autobiographical then you would expect, but you can't help but be pulled in by the simple lives of these two men and the film that they first made. Try to watch Sean as well as Folowing Sean.
Wrestling With Shadows (1998): Directed by Paul Jay Wrestling with Shadows chronicles the last year of Brett "The Hitman" Hearts last year in the WWF (later the WWE) especially the months leading up to the infamous "Montreal Screwjob". Arguably not the most well made documentary, but extermly entertaining, considering the built in story line and the complexity of Hearts character.
Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer (2003): Life and Death of a Seiral Killer is the second film Nick Broomfield did about famed female serial killer Aileen Wournos, the first being about her trial, and this the second on, about her execution. It is completly impossible to watch this film and not feel a huge amount of sympathy for Wournos. Broomfield, who clearly has a complexe relationship with Wournos (he is one of the only people that she will to see her, and the only one allowed to interview her) plays a large part in the development of the film, and becomes integral to the attempts to stay her execution. A much different portrait of Wournos then Hollywoods Monster.
Touching the Void (2003): Kevin Macdonalds film about one of the most extraordinary climbing experiences of all time, does what no film I've ever seen has ever done: managed to make dramatic recreations completly engaging and compelling. This is one of those movies where you know the ending, yet the you are on the edge of your seat the entire time. The film is the retelling of two mens attempt to climb Siula Grande when one of the men gets injured. The sound for this film is amazing, and I defy anyone not to feel every excuritating second of this film.
So those were some of my favorites! Enjoy!
digital culture,
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pop culture,
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Sometimes I think in song
Lighthouse By The Hush Sound
Take what you need while there's time
The city will be earth in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames
You and I will escape to the seaside
There is a storm in the distance
The wind breathing warning of its imminence
There is a lighthouse five hundred yards down
You and I will be safe there
There is a girl who haunts that lighthouse
She saved me, I was swimming
So young I almost drowned
Under the water she sang a story
Of losing her lover
She calls a warning
Love, you are foolish, you're tired
Your sleeplessness makes you a liar
The city is burning
The ocean is turning
Our only chance is the lighthouse
Her lover was a sailor
She went and she waited there
The door locked from the outside
Lover never arrived so she sings there
Soft as a siren luring the ships off their course, how alarming
We went in, we climbed up and looked out
The door locked from the outside
Three ghosts in a lighthouse
Take what you need while there's time
The city will be earth in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames
You and I will escape to the seaside
There is a storm in the distance
The wind breathing warning of its imminence
There is a lighthouse five hundred yards down
You and I will be safe there
There is a girl who haunts that lighthouse
She saved me, I was swimming
So young I almost drowned
Under the water she sang a story
Of losing her lover
She calls a warning
Love, you are foolish, you're tired
Your sleeplessness makes you a liar
The city is burning
The ocean is turning
Our only chance is the lighthouse
Her lover was a sailor
She went and she waited there
The door locked from the outside
Lover never arrived so she sings there
Soft as a siren luring the ships off their course, how alarming
We went in, we climbed up and looked out
The door locked from the outside
Three ghosts in a lighthouse
must listen
We've got 400 hundred years of knowledge on these guys!
So since my computers been busted I've actually read a book. Now don't get me wrong I love reading and I used to do it all of the time, but when your reading 50 pages a week per class at school, leisure reading really get pushed to the back burner! So I found Timeline in a box of books at home (my parents don't actually own books, they buy them at church sales and then hand them off to other people who in turn give them a box full of other books, it's a very complex system but it seems to work for them) and I'd seen the movie back in the days when I used to work at the vid store in O-town, and I though I'd give it a try. Now I don't love Crichton, but the man did ER and Jurassic Park so I though to my self "it can't be that bad!" (cause lets be honest Congo wasn't great) but honestly I really enjoyed it. I can see why they made it into a movie, It's practically already written as a script! I'll hand it to Crichton though, home boy did his research! Or at least he makes a good job at pretending like he did!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Postcards from Rehab!
So it's day six of not having a computer, I've moved from vomiting ever hour to just having the worst case of the shakes and an intense craving for chocolate. I wonder if they have rehab for techno addicts? Speaking of techno addicts I was fortunate enough this week to be able to attend the Concordia Presidents Day Conference . I was invited to participate in the afternoon conference on "The Addictive Network" featuring talks by Drs. Bart Simon and Bill Bukowski. Dr Bukowski mostly ended up talking about friendship ad the web while Dr. Simon focused largely on online gaming. It was a super interesting day and I was extremely happy to be a part of it. The part on addiction was weird, cause as much as I love technology I've realized I can survive better then I thought without it.
I haven't tried to turn on my computer in 6 days just because I want to make absolutely sure that it is dry before I do in hopes that it will turn back on. I honestly don't think it will but hey, it doesn't hurt to try!
Bahaha! and I just realized if you scroll to like 4/5's of the way through that video you can actually see/hear me making a comment!
digital culture,
Friday, April 3, 2009
Hot Choclate is the Death Star and my computer is Alderaan
So I'm retarded!
As I blog from a foreign computer I can only look back and this that I am indeed a complete idiot!
Yesterday,in an unprecedentedly retarded move I managed to practically throw an entire cup of hot chocolate ALL over my key board. Naturally the whole thing shut down and has been unresponsive since. I'm now blogging from my sisters virus infested PC and I've never felt dirtier in my entire life. Hopefully like the guy at the genius bar suggested, it will dry out in the next 3 to 5 days and will power up then. That or I've blow my logic board as well as my RAM and I'll basically have to get a whole new computer...which i will have to pay for cause my 300$ warranty doesn't cover human stupidity (Translation: Liquid Damage. Not really looking forward to that one seeing as I have NO MONEY!
So as brown junk continues to pour out of the inputs of my computer at least... I actually have no way to end that sentence... Fuck my life...
So lesson learned, Drinking hot choloate while shopping at Ikea online don't mix!
the universe,
things I hate
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Help Me Obi Wan Kenobi, Your My Only Hope
Sir Alec Guinness was born today, he would have been 95
Sir Alec Guinness (1914-2000)
Sir Alec Guinness (1914-2000)
fan girl,
star wars,
the universe
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
It Even Sucks in Fast Forward
Trying to watch The Ten Commandments and even if I skip every other scene and watch it in fast forward it it EXCRUCIATING! It's also extremely white, romanticized, self righteous, over the top, long, overacted IT NEVER ENDS!
The credit sequence alone is like 10 minutes long!
I really love my Moses class but I do not love 4 hours of Charlton Heston! Especially when he's so bronzed and greasy, not hot!
The credit sequence alone is like 10 minutes long!
I really love my Moses class but I do not love 4 hours of Charlton Heston! Especially when he's so bronzed and greasy, not hot!
Home Before Sunrise
I just realized that I never posted this
creative process,
my work
Welcome to the Copyleft
This is the new documentary by Brent Gaylor on the sub-culture of mashups and remixs. The whole film makes an argument for the freeing up of intellectual culture. Culture builds on itself and corporations owing all of our cultures intellectual property is wrong. Watch the vid (it's actually in chapters, so you may have to stream more then one of them) get informed and visit for more on Brent Gaylor and remixing videos (you can actually go remix the whole movie) or to see the different ways in which you can "custoumize" th copyrightng of your work.
P.S It's also super cool cause my class (COMS 274) participated in this doucmentary, we rotoscoped a bunch of the scenes, for the full vid:
My part (I got the crappy part, cause it's just him going nuts and you can barely tell what he's doing, but it still looks super cool) Comes in at about 1:15 and cuts out at like 1:19, It's short I know but thats because we literally had to animate it frame by frame!
Also because The Walt Disney Corp is the devil with copyright infringement, here is a halarious video that explains fair use through ripping off Disney movies, CLASSIC!
creative process,
digital culture,
my work,
Monday, March 30, 2009
My First Coffe Shop Post
Feeling extremely cool and new age-y right now, posting from a coffee shop. I am such a cliche. LOVES IT! Feeling pretty good, the semester is winding down and instead of my usual end-of-semester-panic I find myself surprisingly able to keep up. Sure I still have a paper (mostly done), a final (which I actually didn't even know about), a take home and a film to finish, but it the greater scheme of things it all seems extremely do-able. Or maybe I'm crazy... that's defintely a viable option. I often question whether my sanity falls within legal requirments, especially for some one who drives a car and has access to many questionable web content... I'm sure I'm fine!
On a lighter note, finished recoring foley the other day and then voice overs this saturday. Both went extremly well. My talented sound designer has already placed most of the foely and gotten started on the VO's. I'm also meeting my music man tomorrow in order to give him the latest edit so that he can start placing the already composed music into the film.
Things are comin' up me!
On a lighter note, finished recoring foley the other day and then voice overs this saturday. Both went extremly well. My talented sound designer has already placed most of the foely and gotten started on the VO's. I'm also meeting my music man tomorrow in order to give him the latest edit so that he can start placing the already composed music into the film.
Things are comin' up me!
creative process,
make me a lady,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Good people good work
So I'm in the recording studio with my peeps, waiting for our next voice actress to show up and I'm really happy. Maybe it's the pizza we're expecting or the fact the my film is BEAUTIFUL! But I'm feeling extremely optimistic about this project. I've been very proud of it the entire way through and instead of getting sick of it, the more pieces we add the better. I'm just surrounded by all of these great people, these great artists, and they inspire me. We're finding creative solutions to problems that keep adding more and more to our story. Each new person who joins seems to bring something with them that adds yet another dimension to our project.
I remember originally being afraid that no one would get it, now I'm finding that everyone sees and puts a piece of themselves into it. For the first time in a while I feel like an artist, I'm creating art, and it feels good.
I remember originally being afraid that no one would get it, now I'm finding that everyone sees and puts a piece of themselves into it. For the first time in a while I feel like an artist, I'm creating art, and it feels good.
creative process,
the universe
Friday, March 27, 2009
Why don't you just drop dead
Posted a bunch of old myspace era blogs because I was feeling nostalgic and because my blog was looking lame and empty
General Public Advisory
So I've decided that starting a blog is the best way for me to
A. Ween myself off of Facebook (it's the freakin' devil I'm not kidding)
2. For me to satisfy my digital narcissistic complex
D. for me to own my own shit (look it up fb is the Anti-Christ with that shit).
The one thing this blog wont do is satisfy my digital supriority complex. I'm one of those awful people who has people from highschool on my facebook just so that when I'm feeling down I can feel better about myself. Cause I may be a broke student going no where , but at least i'm still not living in Ormstown and posing half nude on the internet with two kids!
P.S another way to feel better about yourself is to visit funny shit, no matter how bad your day is there's most definatly some poor asshole whose had a far shittier day then you.
Getting to the point of this post, do not leave raw eggs ( for example in uncooked cookie dough) in th refridgerator for more then a day. The results are both putrifying and violent.
A. Ween myself off of Facebook (it's the freakin' devil I'm not kidding)
2. For me to satisfy my digital narcissistic complex
D. for me to own my own shit (look it up fb is the Anti-Christ with that shit).
The one thing this blog wont do is satisfy my digital supriority complex. I'm one of those awful people who has people from highschool on my facebook just so that when I'm feeling down I can feel better about myself. Cause I may be a broke student going no where , but at least i'm still not living in Ormstown and posing half nude on the internet with two kids!
P.S another way to feel better about yourself is to visit funny shit, no matter how bad your day is there's most definatly some poor asshole whose had a far shittier day then you.
Getting to the point of this post, do not leave raw eggs ( for example in uncooked cookie dough) in th refridgerator for more then a day. The results are both putrifying and violent.
digital narcissim,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Shamless First Blog
It is currently 12:47 am and I can't decide if it is to early or to late to start blogging. Either way, to tired, just wanted to test it out.
also: shamless plug, need a new roommate
also: shamless plug, need a new roommate
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