So it's day six of not having a computer, I've moved from vomiting ever hour to just having the worst case of the shakes and an intense craving for chocolate. I wonder if they have rehab for techno addicts? Speaking of techno addicts I was fortunate enough this week to be able to attend the
Concordia Presidents Day Conference . I was invited to participate in the afternoon conference on "The Addictive Network" featuring talks by Drs. Bart Simon and Bill Bukowski. Dr Bukowski mostly ended up talking about friendship ad the web while Dr. Simon focused largely on online gaming. It was a super interesting day and I was extremely happy to be a part of it. The part on addiction was weird, cause as much as I love technology I've realized I can survive better then I thought without it.
I haven't tried to turn on my computer in 6 days just because I want to make absolutely sure that it is dry before I do in hopes that it will turn back on. I honestly don't think it will but hey, it doesn't hurt to try!
Bahaha! and I just realized if you scroll to like 4/5's of the way through that video you can actually see/hear me making a comment!
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