Saturday, November 6, 2010

David Duchovny Says X-Files 3 is Being Written

French website TVMag caught up with David Duchovny and asked him for an update on the third "X-Files" movie, which the actor previously said would focus on December 2012, an important date in the franchise.

"It is being written," said the actor, adding: "We're waiting for the green light from 20th Century Fox, which is a little disappointed by the relatively poor reception of the second film. The mistake, in my opinion, is that the writers strayed too far from the roots of the series. Plus the film was released in the summer. The third movie will be much closer to what the fans are used to, which is government conspiracies, etc..."

Both Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have expressed interest in returning for the third film, which is likely aiming to hit theaters at the end of 2012 to match up with the rumored "end of the world" storyline.

Full article from

This would make my lifetime!

I also agree with David Duchovany comment on the second film. It deviated a bit too much from the tone and themes of the series. I don't even think the story line was evengood enough to warrant Scully and Mulder even being implicated, why would they both come out of retirement because some women went missing (not that thats not a big deal it's just not really their thing) after all htey've been to and all they walked away from I just don't see the case presented in IWTB as being credible. I'm sure the release of Dark Knight also had something to do with it but it is a good point. Fight the Future, was a much better and successful film, released at the height of the shows success, it introduced new mysteries and solved old one, it was much more in tune with the original series. I'd also like to see Doggett and Reyes in the new film... scratch that... just Doggett. I was shocked that they weren't even mentioned in "I Want to Believe" (unless I'm not remembering it correctly), even though I hated Reyes, I loved Doggett and I feel like the storyline felt a little empty with no metion of the actual X-Files.

My suggestion for the new film is, bring back Doggett, make Duchovny shape up (seriously he look tied and fat in IWTB), bring back the X-Files, and solve some of those pesky loose ends that were left at the end of the series. Also BRING BACK KRYCEK! Best Villian EVER!

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