Yesterday ended nicely, we arrive in Kincardine after a 2 hour drive. Highlight of the ride was a stop at "Cheese Haus", Erika freaked and pulled over.
Luckily the ridiculous name, is only upstaged by the WICKED awesome cheese there. We looked around for a bit and actually picked out some awesome 4 year old cheddar. Unfortunately we encountered the mouth of the south behind the counter and we had to hear about her store, her choir and her pastor before we were allowed even buy cheese.
When we got to Kincardine we stopped at an LCBO, and a Bulk Barn (coolest store ever! I want to open on in the PQ, it's like Costco but with stuff all in bulk, so you take the amount you want an pay for it)then we met up with Jim at the Country Depot on Hamilton Lane, looked around town and headed home for dinner. Chilli, cheese, coleslaw and sex in a pan, + way too much wine and Amarula and we all headed to bed.
Today we trekked up to the Bruce Peninsula with Jimbo and Nance.
After a quick lunch and a 1.25 km hike we found ourselves at the craziest rock beach/ grotto/ clearwater beach I have ever seen!
I can honestly say that I've never seen such clear blue green water in Canada!
Coolest/most-panic-enducing-thing about it is the grotto has a pool in it that connect underwater to the beach on the other side.I was neither crazy enough or brave enough to attempt this, but it was nice to swim around the freezing cold water and climb on the rock.
We hiked back to the are and headed home, where we just happened to stop in Sauble beach where there just HAPPENED to be a classic car show.
Needless to say Jim is still there with the Chevy and we had to bring Nancy home in the SUV.
I'm so tired, gonna eat and head to bed, today we head back towards home, with an overnight stops in Kingston and Gananoque.
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