First stop on our road trip 36 Whispering Pine Trial, Aurora. Home of Doug and Leeann and their beloved cat Sadie. About an hour outside of downtown TO.
Yesterday was a bit of a rough one. What was supposed to be a 5 hour drive yesterday took us a better part of 7 hours. Who ever heard of traffic on the 401? It's a 12 lane highway for the better part of the province, you'd think they would have figured out a way to avoid congestion. Thank God Liv didn't come or the ride would have been twice as uncomfortable We ended up on the smaller highway, highway 2 for about 45 minutes, in en effort to get gas, pee and avoid the traffic. This actually ended up being the highlight of our trip, because we passed through Cobourg and Port Perry, which are two of the cutest little waterside towns I have ever seen. Definitely need to go back.
Luckily when we finally did get here Doug and Leeann did not disappoint. Wine and fillet mignon until we couldn't breathe, nice conversation and a comfortable bed to sleep in.
Today's itinerary includes some shopping at the mall in Aurora, then we head down to Kincardine to visit Garry's oldest brother Jim and his wife Nancy. We spend two days there before moving on again. Hopefully we will find some cool stuff to do along the way if not it's only a 2 hour drive so it should be fine!
Notable quotes include
"If I eat this whole block of cheese the wont even know they had it, right?"
"Well the queen is getting old, maybe you could take her job!"
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