Still one of the greatest miniseries of all time. I'm still astounded by the sheer amazingness and magnitude of Torchwood's "Children of Earth" Miniseries.
After the end of the second series I swore I would never watch it again, when I say major character death, I mean MAJOR!. It's like Davis wanted to end the show. Then children of earth came alone, and it almost felt like the end, like it would wrap things up nicely. And what do we get, a 5 part mini series that rivals Battlestars action and gravitas, and suddenly I'm more into Torchwood then I have ever been and am on the edge of my seat. And then 5 seconds later I'm hating Davis again and marvelling at the balls this guys has to be killing off his characters in the manner that he does.
For a series/ miniseries that at first started out as a budget saving effort and looked like the end, Davis really made the most out of the shortend season and made into the biggest most intense movie I have ever seen.
The problem with COE is that it leaves Torchwood in a sort of limbo story wise, and with the American version coming up (or not) I am anxious to see how it turns out.
I Totally Shipped these two
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